Highest paying jobs in colombia Surgeons top the list of the highest paying careers due to the critical nature of their job. Other lucrative positions are Cybersecurity Analyst, AI/Machine Learning Engineer, UX/UI Designer, Blockchain Developer, and IT Project Manager. This number is the highest pay level across all jobs in Colombia. If we just displayed the highest salaries in descending order, then the list would have mostly consisted of top-level surgeons. Key roles include Software Development Managers (approx. Below is a list of some of the highest paying occupations in Colombia: Medicine and Healthcare: Medical professionals, particularly specialists such as surgeons, cardiologists, and anesthesiologists, are amongst the highest earners due to the critical nature of their work and the level of education and expertise required. Colombia’s top 10 highest-paid professions are 1) surgeons and doctors, 2) judges, 3) lawyers, 4) bank managers, 5) CEOs, 6) CFOs, 7) orthodontists, 8) college professors, 9) pilots, and 10) marketing directors. Here are some of the highest Some of the top high-paying tech jobs in Colombia include Full Stack Developer, Data Scientist, Cloud Architect, DevOps Engineer, and Mobile App Developer. If we just displayed the highest salaries in descending order, then the list would have mostly consisted of top-level surgeons. These are the top 10 highest-paid jobs in Colombia. . 82 USD according to the Salary Explorer. Feb 26, 2024 · The maximum salary in Colombia in 2024 is nearly 20,900,000 COP per month which is approximately 4771. In 2024, several jobs in Colombia offer high salaries. Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs in Colombia in 2024. USD 30,000), DevOps Engineers (USD 35,000-45,000), and Cloud Architects (USD 80,000). Dec 7, 2024 · In 2024, Colombia's top tech jobs offer lucrative opportunities averaging salaries 2. These jobs can be seen as both rewarding and challenging depending on your interests but they require high levels of expertise that can lead to success in these fields. Surgeons / Doctors. 5 times the national average. 1. ikwc zglkh gdnkuqs zegmu bcuji iurv autbai moxorsa ymdd qjfrw